10 Best Exercises for Strengthening At Home

10 Best Exercises for Strengthening At Home

I get asked about different exercises every single day in clinic and I have done for over over two decades. Most people, especially those over 50 ask “what is the best exercise to do?” or “is it safe for me?” and even “where do I...
Is my back pain cancer?

Is my back pain cancer?

Is My Back Pain Cancer? Should I See a Doctor or a Physiotherapist? These are common questions our patients have regarding their back pain.  It’s normal to worry and believe your back pain may be caused by something more serious. Especially when it doesn’t...
Is Sciatica Pain The Same As Back Pain?

Is Sciatica Pain The Same As Back Pain?

Are you fed up with that shooting pain in your leg and that deep ache in your buttock? Have you seen your GP multiple times for different pain relief to help you sleep at night but can only manage a short walk? The pain from sciatica is horrible....

Welcome to Optimal Physio

Optimal ‘Adjective’ best or most favourable; “seeking the optimal solution”   We want Optimal Physio to be more than just a positive experience through receiving the best healthcare to resolve your pain. We want it to be the solution to help you...
Does road running cause knee osteoarthritis?

Does road running cause knee osteoarthritis?

A lot of our patients who attend with knee osteoarthritis believe road running is bad for them and it is harmful.  So does road running really cause osteoarthritis? Knee pain affects nearly 50% of people over the age of 50, and in 25% of those people it become a...
The 7 occasions should you get a sports massage for low back pain?

The 7 occasions should you get a sports massage for low back pain?

When should you get a massage for low back pain? And more important when should you not get a sports massage for low back pain? Picking the right treatment at the right time is not easy. Your back feels stiff, achey every day.  It always feels tempting to get a...