A Key Ingredient For Health And Recovery
The impact diet can have on our body and mood is far reaching and when injured what we provide our bodies with is a key ingredient in the recipe for recovery and health.
Most of us understand the importance of what we eat and even slight improvements can make significant differences to how well we feel and how quickly and effectively we can recover.
However, one important part of the recovery process which is often neglected is the role of nutrition. The nutritional needs post injury is often neglected and regularly more considered as part of an advanced training programme or a performance related athletes’ daily routine. However, exercise is generally about placing stress upon the body to create changes in order to improve cardiovascular energy systems, neurological systems or muscular systems. This application of stress or load is what creates training adaptations.
In order to maximise these adaptations adequate nutritional intake is required. This is exactly the same when the body is recovering from an injury.
Using Nutrition To Recover
- We are bombarded with information accusing us of not eating the right foods at the right time or that we are eating the wrong foods all together.
- Nutrition needn’t be so complex or full of guilt and worry.
- Whether exercising or just living our lives, our bodies need fuel.
- When we exercise, we place good stress upon the body to create changes in order to improve our muscles, heart and mind. To truly maximise these improvements the right nutrition is required.
- Nutrition can appear complicated but applying simple nutritional tactics can help you stay healthy and if need be, help your body recover quickly.
- Exercising consistently without adequate nutrition increases your likelihood of injury.
- It is impossible to build muscle when your body doesn’t have the nutrition it needs to repair.

Finding A Nutritional Strategy
Injuries are part and parcel of life and although frustrating and painful, they do get better.
Of course the nutrients supplied should also be under scrutiny ensuring the right balance of macronutrients such as protein, carbohydrates and fat are included.
Some foods help regulate the body’s environment and regulate inflammation.
More calories may need to be consumed during rehabilitation or if the injury reduces activity levels, so too might calories have to be reduced.
It is not the time to feel sorry for yourself and try and mask the pain with chocolate and alcohol, tempting as that may be!
It’s time to be proactive, make a plan and speed up your recovery.
- Steven’s background in Sport Science has shaped how our clients can accelerate their rehab through a better understanding of their nutritional demands for their lifestyle and recovery.
- We can offer simple advice and realistic nutrition goals. Whether giving the right nutrients to heal an injury, stay healthy or fuel your fitness goals. .

How do I know if my nutritional intake is adequate?
How much protein does my body need?
Which injuries need the most attention to nutrition?
Will sit ups or core exercises help me loose wight around my mid-drift?
What foods are useful as anti inflammatory compounds?

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