Common mistakes in managing Achilles Tendinopathy

Achilles tendinopathy is really just pain that has been present for months. It’s more complex then that from a pathology perspective but treatment does not need to be complicated. Tendinopathy is more common than OA. In the US 26million have OA and 35 million...

What is Patellofemoral Pain?

Management of Patellofemoral pain What is Patellofemoral Pain? Patellofemoral Pain or PFP has been defined as pain around or behind the patella (knee-cap) with pain on palpation or compression of the patella without any other signs of knee pathology (Brushoj et al...

What is Paediatric Physiotherapy?

  Since I started working at Optimal Physio many people have asked me, what makes paediatric physiotherapy different? and why is the treatment of children considered a speciality? The answer put quite simply; Children are NOT just little adults! Paediatric...

How does Sports Massage Help?

Sports Massage is used the world over but athletes and exercise enthusiasts but why? Do you want to supplement your training?, boost your recovery? and minimise your chances of injury while enhancing your performance? Sports massage fans make many of these claims but...

How To Use Nutrition To Recover From Injury

Nutrition for Injury? Nutrition is only for weight loss and professional athletes, right? Wrong. Nutrition is important for regular exercisers too, and is a key ingredient in the recipe for recovery and health. When we exercise, we place good stress upon the body to...