10 ways to boost your immune system.

Everyone gets more concerned about their immune system in the Winter. Have you heard any of those phrases yet? You know the ones when the season and the clocks change and we hear things like ‘the nights are fair drawing in’ or ‘ ‘there is a...
Osteoarthritis – When should you get a joint replacement?

Osteoarthritis – When should you get a joint replacement?

When should you get a joint replacement if you have Osteoarthritis? We all know that the NHS is under immense pressure. Our better, healthier and wealthier lives are leaving a legacy of longer and longer waiting lists meaning some patients are unable to access...
Is your headache just a pain in the neck?

Is your headache just a pain in the neck?

How headaches could be a symptom of neck pain? Headaches that originate from neck pain are one of the most common type of headaches. They can occur at any age but most commonly present in patients between the age of 20 and 60. The pain associated with this condition...