These 4 factors are the foundation to preventing injury

Aug 10, 2021

It is unrealistic to assume that all injuries will be prevented. Injuries span a whole spectrum of severity. Being injury free is a goal not only to ensure that training can continue but also to ensure that each workout is met in the best condition and mindset.

These recommendations build a strong foundation to mitigate the risks of injury and promote a quicker recovery should they strike.


Probably the most critical factor in preventing injury. Strong muscles can more readily withstand pressure and stress. Anyone playing sport of any kind, should incorporate some sort of strengthening into a weekly routine. 

Functional bracing type exercises are necessary. Planks, side planks and bird-dogs are the type of core exercises I am talking about. Do 2-3 types of these sessions per week.Try to vary your exercises and focus on reverse curls or dynamic core exercises which are specific for your lifestyle, sport or activity.


The importance of our body’s ease of movement is highly underestimated. Perceived to be of no value or time consuming, it is often overlooked. It is even more important as we age as it increases our range of motion and stabilises control of the muscles around each joint. 

Spend more time stretching the major muscle groups, particularly the ones that attach onto the pelvis – the hamstrings, hip flexors, lower back and glutes. These are key areas that contribute to our injury profiles as we get older. For every 10 minutes of training per week, you should do 5 minutes of stretching. Training will make you tight, so stretching will help relax muscles post-training as well helping recovery.


A nutrition strategy is often seen as an advanced training tool but everyone’s body must adapt to any level of exercise and the right fuel is essential whoever you are. 

What we eat provides the correct nutrients to strengthen and maintain our muscles, ligaments and tendons. Vital nutrients not being restored will see the next training session begin with the body already in a depleted state further increasing the risk of injury.


The power of sleep is well known and is the basis of a healthy body and mind. The consequences of a poor sleep pattern on almost every facet of our wellbeing is profound. The right rest and recover is a solid foundation to build a resilient body. 

To stay well we need to strengthen, be mobile, sleep enough and eat right. When these pieces work together the best can be achieved from the body, for longer. 

If you want to secure your long term fitness and continue doing the activities you love get in touch online or give Ayesha a call. 

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