Pre And Post Surgery
Treatment For Joint Problems
By far the vast majority of procedures we see are hip and knee replacement surgeries which are most commonly performed on people over the age of 60 with osteoarthritis.
Long term suffering or the fear of a degenerative condition worsening with time might raise the question whether surgery is the only available treatment option.

Common Conditions
You might have undergone joint replacement surgery and despite being some time ago you haven’t regained your mobility, range of motion or confidence in movement as much as you would like.
You might have decided that surgery is the right treatment path for you and would like guidance to prepare as best as possible.
Preparing, Recovering or Avoiding Surgery
By doing great prehab, you are increasing the speed at which you will recover from your replacement surgery.
Pre and post-surgery physiotherapy can help you recover faster, reduce pain and swelling, increase strength quicker and reduce your overall recovery time.
If you are worried about surgery we can help advise you if it is right for you or not. For some conditions and injuries where surgery is an option, we can often show you how to AVOID surgery and still reduce pain and improve mobility, activity and quality of life.

What We Treat
Many consultants will not consider you for their list unless you have committed to physiotherapy first.
Waiting lists are now 3-5 years and can cost between £12-16,000, we can help you get the best value for this investment in your health or help you delay or avoid this investment altogether.
How We Solve The Problem

It doesn’t have to be like this.
Will I have to stop running during my rehab?
My knee is stiff and the Gp told me I have arthritis will I need a knee replacement?
No, many people can avoid major surgical intervention by having physiotherapy. It is the most effective and cost efficient treatment to help you get better and stay better.
I’ve had physiotherapy before and it didn’t work?
If you’ve had physio that just included massage and acupuncture or ultrasound it’s unlikely you will have lasting benefit. You should also have been given a treatment plan which typically takes between 6-8 sessions of a gradually increasing rehab plan. If this wasn’t the case or you only had 2-3 sessions and didn’t see any benefit then I am not surprised. Why not speak to one of our experienced team for a free session to see how we do things differently and get results.
Do I need an x-Ray?
An x-Ray of the knee is only really beneficial if you have had a fall or significant trauma. We will easily be able to diagnose your knee pain through various tests and using our experience.
Do you treat a lot of knee pain?
Yes we treat knee pain on daily basis, for people aged 40plus so we know how to help you and what works and what doesn’t.
If tried exercise before and it didn’t help?
Often this is because the wrong exercises have been performed for the injury or phase of healing. It’s also important that the load, frequency, intensity and recovery is at the right level. If your not sure please get in touch.

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