Hip Pain

Hip Pain: How It Feels

Do you find it difficult getting out the bed, car or even a chair? Do you find yourself limping and turning your foot out to the side? Do you have groin pain but don’t remember doing anything to get a groin strain? Often it also has pain in the front of the thigh. This is a very common presentation of hip pain. Often it is confused with a hernia or a muscle strain that just doesn’t resolve as you would expect it to or doesn’t have a clear injury mechanism. It’s often stiff and achey and people learn to live with this feeling everyday. They put it down to old age, wear and tear, or just accept that the need to wait for a hip replacement. Often the go to see their GP get painkillers and encouraged to rest while occasionally getting an X-ray which may or may not show much degenerative changes which are completely normal process of ageing and not correlated to your pain or symptoms. In many ways this is ineffective and your normally referred for NHS physio at this point and the waiting list can be anywhere between 12-24 weeks.

The Mechanics Of Hip Pain

Your hip is a very stable and strong joint

X-rays are most beneficial if you have had a fall

OA is the most common cause of hip pain in the UK

Many people with OA findings on X-ray are not in any pain. Your local physio is the best placed person to help you decide how best to proceed with your hip pain.

Around 70,000 hip replacements take place in the UK every year.

The current waiting list for a hip replacement is 3-5 years and cost £12,000

Physio can help avoid hip replacements and also improve the outcome with a pre-operative plan and post operative rehabilitation.

What We Treat

We don’t treat people who are not prepared to put the work in alongside us and are looking for that magic solution or silver bullet treatment. We work with people who are committed to helping themselves and following the agreed plan which will be tailored to your own condition, lifestyle and needs.

We can help with a variety of hip pain including hip bursitis, osteoarthritis, hip impingements, muscular strains or ligament injuries, hip fractures and pre and post op hip issues to name a few.


How We Solve The Problem

We will assess your hip and your pelvis, back and leg to ensure we have an accurate diagnoses and understanding of your body and your pain. We will discuss your lifestyle and factors which contributed to the onset and give you a clear diagnosis and plan to help give you the confidence to move forward. We will provide you with hands on treatment and a progressive exercise/rehab plan to ensure you make consistent progress back to the lifestyle you want. We will make sure you are supported throughout this journey and help you understand why this happened and how to prevent or reduce the likelihood of it coming back again in the future.


Physiotherapy is the most cost effective and evidence based treatment for hip pain. A tailored and individualised approach is the most effective. Despite having similar symptoms everyones presentation and lifestyles are slightly different. This is why we need to tailor your rehab plan to your own presentation, situation and goals. We will take time to listen and understand what you are experiencing and make sure we improve your mobility and quality of life for the short, medium and long term.

It doesn’t have to be like this.

My parents had arthritic hips, will I need a hip replacement?

While genetics may play a part in increasing your risk of developing arthritis, lifestyle factors are more likely to impact whether you suffer or not. Eating well, sleeping well and remaining active are the best ways to maintain healthy joints.

How long is the waiting list for an Hip replacement?
The current waiting for a hip replacement is 3-5 years.
How much does a hip replacement cost?
The average cost of a hip replacement is £12,000.
Can physio help me avoid a hip replacement?
Many people can avoid major surgical intervention by having physiotherapy. It is the most effective and cost efficient treatment to help you get better and stay better. If you do need surgery physio can also improve the outcome with a pre-operative plan and post operative rehabilitation.
Will physio be able to help diagnose me accurately without a scan?
Scans are rarely needed unless surgery is the preferred treatment method. Physio will absolutely be able to determine whether you require a scan or not, and what type of hip issue you are experiencing. We are experienced at treating a wide variety of hip pain and we do not normally require an X-ray, MRI or CT scan to determine if you have a muscle issue, arthritic hip, hip impingement, bursitis or tendinopathy. We will also assess to see if the pain in your hip is referred from the pelvis or back. This is why a full and complete assessment is always more preferable and beneficial than a scan. Often scans can highlight issues which are not relevant or not contributing to the pain.

The correlation between findings on a scan and your presentation is not always as clear as you would think. All the research shows that a complete assessment is the first step in your rehabilitation and then, if required, or appropriate we will help facilitate any additional investigations required. We are confident we can help you avoid this additional stress and potential cost.

My hip is stiff more than painful, can physio help with this?
Absolutely. We hear this a lot in clinic and regularly help people improve their mobility and flexibility. It’s great to hear how much better people feel once they have improved this feeling. Often it’s worse first thing in the morning or on rising from a chair. It amazes me how long people suffer with this before seeking help. When your ready not to feel as stiff or achey then we are here and ready to help you.
I want to get back to running, golf, or hill walking is this possible?
There is no reason why you cannot return to the activities you love following hip replacement surgery. With the correct pre-operative plan, post operative rehabilitation and maintenance strategy you will be well equipped to recover fully.

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