Gait Analysis

Dec 2, 2019

Phits Design Module

What is gait analysis and can it benefit you?

A recent study on US military personnel showed that using this technology of combining gait analysis with 3D printed, light weight orthotics reduced injury rate by up to 60%. 

I am delighted to announce that we are the first physiotherapy clinic in Scotland to bring you a cutting edge foot scanner which enables dynamic gait analysis of how your foot performs during standing, walking and running. 

This links to the latest and most accurate 3D printing technology to provide the lightest, most durable and most effective custom made insoles on the market. 

We can now understand exactly how your foot responds when you walk, run and squat. We can’t see this with the eye or with video analysis as we require this technology to measure force and see underneath the foot. 

This new technology will change our practice and remove pain and suffering for those with foot and ankle pain. It will also help prevent injury and improve comfort when you need it most. 

Gait analysis, what is it? 

Simply, it is measuring the forces that your foot has to cope with and transmit in your leg as you move. This helps our understanding of how your foot behaves, and copes with this load. Any abnormal loading patterns are then easily identifiable so we can create a plan to create custom insoles that reduce this loading pattern, reduce injury risk, reduce pain and improve performance and comfort. 

Why the need for gait analysis?

It helps performance, comfort and reduces pain by optimising your foot mechanics which improves force transmission and performance.

Before, we could only make custom orthotic insoles based on static measurements, now we can do it based on a dynamic assessment and have accurate information on how the foot is behaving when in contact with the ground during walking and running. This information is linked directly to the Phits 3D printed insole technology which is used to create custom made insoles. Marathon legend, Paula Radcliff uses these Phits orthotic insoles, as does Matt Kuchers caddy.

Previous methodologies are dated and leave huge room for error. 

Analysis on a treadmill doesn’t show what is happening underneath the foot. It also happens so fast it is difficult to interpret and is open to huge bias from the clinician. If this is in a running shop the chances are the sales assistant has had little to no experience in analysing gait and running patterns. 

Then there was the moulds whereby you push your foot into an impression box, this is simply out of date and not as accurate as it could be. 

Off the shelf orthotics treat the left and the right foot equally and we know they behave differently so you require a more customised solution suitable for how you move. Simply put, off the shelve orthotics are ineffective at best. 

This fun video explains the benefits of gait analysis

How Does It Work?

We will ask you to perform a series of movements and walk across a square pad on the floor. This has an incurable amount of sensors inside it which detect and assess everything your foot does as it in contact with the ground. Without this technology we just can’t fully understand how the foot is behaving. So previous to this we had a rough idea, but very limited information. We had to work on assumptions and experience. This led to inconsistency. 

This system not only solves these issues but also provides a reliable outcome measure to compare effectiveness of treatments and assess you in standing, balancing, walking, running and squatting. 

It has over 4,000 sensors making it the most accurate assessment of dynamic gait analysis currently available. This is essential information for any clinician, and allows our clinicians to look at how your foot really behaves when in contact with the ground in a way which is only possible with this equipment.

Who is it for?

Runners, Hill walkers, golfers, skiers or anyone who spends a lot of time on their feet.

We can improve the fitting to suit running shoes, golf shoes, football boots, cycling shoes, or ski boots. We combine this technology with our expert physiotherapy clinicians to provide a completely tailored programme and treatment specific to your sport and your needs

Common conditions include pain into the big toe, across the ball of your foot or into the arch. Heel pain such as plantar faciiitis, achilles pain, or ankle joint injuries or pain such as osteoarthritis. You don’t need to be in pain to benefit, we can use it to improve comfort, performance and reduce injury.

Phits Certified Expert 2

Why Phits?

Paula Radcliff uses these orthotics, because they are the best available on the market, they are comfortable, they improve performance and reduce pain.  If you are going to get an insole or orthotic why would you not want the same as the elite athletes? 

Previous metholodioligies are dated and leave huge room for error.  Analysis on a treadmill doesn’t show what is happening underneath the foot.  It also happens so fast it is difficult to interpret and is open to huge bias from the clinician.  If this is in a running shop the chances are the sales assistant has had little to no experience in analysing gait and running patterns.  The there was the moulds whereby you push your foot into an impression box, this is simply out of date and not as accurate as it could be.  Off the shelf orthotics treat the left and the right foot equally 

Paula Radcliffe Phits User 2

What did Paula Radcliffe say about them; 

Can you describe the difference between the traditional orthotics and the Phits 3D printed orthotics you wear now?

Paula: Well, the biggest thing is the durability. They simply don’t wear out! You can keep using them, you can run a lot of miles in them and they basically don’t show much damage at all. Only the top cover wears out and these are easily replaced. The rest, it stays there the whole time. And I think it’s more precise than the traditional orthotics. Because it’s exactly the same each time that it is created. And it is lighter. It doesn’t deform with heat and get as soft as with the traditional ones… Sometimes with the older ones, if it was very warm, they would built up, or they would get a hole or they would deform a little bit. The Phits insoles don’t do that. 

Do you wear Phits insoles for every run?

Paula: says “Yes! I never run without them, even for walking I use the insoles, they are always in my shoes. I don’t think I ran without my orthotics since 1997. And certainly since I got the Phits insoles, every run is done with them. “

So if you want to :

  • Perform better 
  • Have less pain
  • Not have to worry about pain relief
  • Avoid having to modify your training plan 
  • Avoid being out injured
  • And you want to be treated the same way elite athletes are, 

Then please get in touch and arrange a gait analysis assessment at Optimal Physio. 

Call us today on 0333 3010205 to book your gait analysis session for just £80 (this session lasts 1 hour). 


We look forward to helping you. If you have a question please just ask. 

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