Local Physio wins East Renfrewshire’s Best Business Award

Sep 12, 2016

Date: June 2016

For immediate Release

Optimal Physio wins East Renfrewshire’s Best Business Award 

(10 employees or less)

Newton Mearns based Optimal Physio has just won a very prestigious award for East Renfrewshires Best Business with 10 employees or less at the East Renfrewshire Business Awards held at Dalmeny Park Hotel.

John F Hamilton, East Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce President said:

“East Renfrewshire has so much to celebrate and these awards are an excellent platform for local businesses to highlight their success.  Congratulations to all the finalists and the winners tonight, with a record number of entries this year, competition was fierce and all the judges were impressed by the range and quality of the entries.  Thank you to this year’s sponsors, without their support the awards would not be possible”

“Being nominated for this award is extremely humbling but to win the award amongst so many talented individuals and organisations is just incredible,” comments Head Physio Steven McLean, “We have worked very hard to create a culture which I firmly believe has made us a market leader and this recognition is for providing a service which consistently exceeds the expectations of our clients.”

Director of Optimal Physio and Head Physiotherapist Steven McLean, who is also a FIFA listed football referee and officiated at this years Scottish Cup Final, commented on the philosophy of Optimal Physio and why they had won such an award and how they maintain such high standards. Steven explained “We try to make physio more of an enjoyable experience rather than a service.  We have introduced systems to make it easier for clients to get an appointment to suit their lifestyle and work/family commitments.  We have evening and weekend appointments available, people can book online, or if they phone they’re guaranteed to speak to a person who can help. We take more time with our clients than our competitors so they feel valued explaining their pain using interactive iPad apps so they understand what symptoms they have and why. We send them exercise programmes including videos, and give clients a free app to track their progress, we also reward them for referring their friends and family and send them reminders so that they don’t forget their appointment. Most importantly though, we get people better and help them achieve a pain free lifestyle to participate in the activities and sports that they love.”

Exceeding expectations in private healthcare is a difficult objective but it is a view supported by their clients, Eddie Irvin explained:

“My story is simple.  I had been suffering for years with a lower back problem.  I had tried every type of potential solution e.g. chiropractors, NHS, private health.  You name it I tried it.  My back pain got so bad my quality of life was severely affected to the point I couldn’t do simple tasks.  That was until I met Steven McLean.  From not only a superb physical approach to my problem Stevens’ positive attitude and motivational coaching were fantastic.  After 3/4 months I was back playing golf to a reasonable level again.  My quality of life has returned and it is all thanks to the fantastic work Steven has put in.  I cannot thank him enough and I have recommended him to other friends and family who have also had the same experience and outcome.  Quite simply superb.”

Results such as these coupled with excellent customer experience helps make Optimal Physio a market leader in physiotherapy for sports injuries within the local East Renfrewshire area.

Steven commented “We are determined to improve the health of the East Renfrewshire area and beyond by promoting a positive healthcare message and by providing an excellent service which gets results.  We like to be progressive and by implementing new ideas we have become an award winning service provider which gives great additional value to all our clients.  We apply the latest science and research to help our clients become pain free, we all need a healthcare service which we can trust”.

“I want Optimal Physio to be the best physiotherapy provider in East Renfrewshire, and it looks like we are well on the way with organisations such as East Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce, PhysioFirst, and Business Gateway providing a great support network.”

For further information about Optimal Physio please contact Steven on 0333 301 0205 or visit the website at where you can download a free copy of their eBook “5 Biggest mistakes when managing your sports injury”.



Image: John Hamilton ERCC collects the award on our behalf as we were unable to attend the awards ceremony.


Notes to Editors:

Further media information, please contact: Steven McLean

Interviews and further images available on request.

Optimal Physio is based in Mearns Castle Golf Academy, Newton Mearns. We are a Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic specialising in Low Back Pain and Sports Injuries. Our approach to healthcare brings together sports science, prevention and cure; to enable our clients to get – and stay – healthy.  We service Newton Mearns, Busby, Clarkson, Giffnock, East Kilbride, Eaglesham and Glasgow.  We have a sister clinic in Largs, North Ayrshire.

East Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce:

We are an independent, not for profit, company whose aim is to promote and facilitate business, encourage a healthy business environment and improve prosperity in East Renfrewshire.

For further information on PhysioFirst

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